Aubrey Huff Q&A, ESPN Zone: Write-up and Pictures

Yesterday afternoon, the ESPN Zone at the Inner Harbor in conjunction with the Baltimore Orioles held their second Q&A Session with first baseman Aubrey Huff. I've been going to these events for years, and I'll say the crowd at the popular restaurant was the biggest I've seen in long time -- save for Nick Markakis and Erik Bedard years back -- as every seat was practically filled and standing room only (barely).

The overflowing crowd and the candor of Aubrey Huff made the event memorable as he was pretty much direct and open about his life along with his humble beginnings, career, and yes, the infamous fist pump a few Sundays ago that involved Yankee fireballer Joba Chamberlain. After the Q&A, he signed autographs for the huge crowd in an auxiliary room in the restaurant.