Lewis Demanding Peyton Manning Money

According to the Baltimore Sun, Ravens GM Ozzie Newsome said that in early negotiations with linebacker Ray Lewis about an extension, Lewis has asked for Peyton Manning type money.

Wow. Just, wow. It that’s true, which is should be coming from the GM’s mouth, I’m just speechless.

Sure, Lewis is still the defenses trademark player, and can still intimidate and hit players. However, he’s clearly past the prime of his career, being thirty-three, and I don’t even think the Ravens should give him good money for a linebacker.

Manning signed a seven year, $99.2 million extension. Ya, no one is going to give Lewis that. He probably wouldn’t of even got it in the prime of his career.

If Lewis, who’s contract is up at the end of this season, can get the delusion that he’s an unstoppable middle force in his mid-twenties out of his head, than he might be able to reach an agreement with Baltimore before the end of the 2008 season. However, the fact that he’s asking for this much in preliminary discussions tells me that he’ll be demanding a lot when the talks get serious, which I doubt the Ravens are willing to pay.

Lewis’s possible departure has prompted many to believe that the Ravens could take a linebacker, specifically Kieth Rivers, with the eighth pick. If Matt Ryan is there, than they’ll take him, but Rivers is a possibility.

This article also notes that the team likes guard Branden Albert. With Jonathan Ogden possibly retiring, this wouldn’t be a bad pick.

Also, it appears that the Ravens won’t be moving up to ensure they get Ryan, as they aren’t willing to offer enough to the Rams or Falcons.
